What is it?

Improved Quality Scores, Better Service Delivery

Enrolled in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, the Illinois Rural Community Care Organization works to improve provider quality scores and change the conversation to patient centered care delivery. IRCCO is an independent statewide rural Accountable Care Organization founded in 2014 by more than 20 ICAHN hospital members and their medical practitioners for the purpose of preparing for population health and value-based care.

To do so, hospitals and medical practitioners focus on the patient through the continuum of care, from healthy to sick and injury at any age, by coordinating services in the most appropriate setting. IRCCO’s overall goals are to reduce individual healthcare costs and, at the same time, rebuild/expand primary care delivery and provide greater access to support and clinical services locally and specialty services as needed.

What ICAHN Offers

Care coordination, chronic care management, and transitional care management are services available to IRCCO members only, including use of the ICAHN Chronic Care Management Manual. Those interested in these services or in the manual who are not IRCCO members are encouraged to contact Trudi Colby for a training proposal and/or pricing structure.

Who to Contact

Todd Searls, IRCCO Executive Director at [email protected]