Summer Opportunities for ALL Health Professions Students
The National Center for Rural Health Professions (NCRHP) is now accepting applications for its summer rural healthcare programs! The NCRHP offers three exciting summer opportunities available to ALL health professions students.
The programs cater to many student needs, varying in location, benefits, and duration. Attached to my email are brochures for the programs and below is a short description of each program. Please help connect students with these professional opportunities.
6-Week Rural Interprofessional Preceptorship Program
The Preceptorship program is a paid, full-time opportunity set in two rural communities in Illinois: Gibson City and Centralia. Four students are selected for each site and spend each week shadowing different healthcare professionals within the community.
Students work together in weekly classroom sessions and for their Community Service Learning (CSL) project, which is the culminating experience of the program and allows students to apply their understanding of healthcare to a real-life community health priority.
APPLICATIONS DUE: Sunday, February 9, 2020
Preceptorship Brochure 2020
Rural Health Experience
A great opportunity for students interested in a short-term commitment. The RHE program is a 3-5 day rural immersion experience in which students shadow different healthcare professionals within a rural Illinois community. RHE students get the chance to network within healthcare facilities and understand how healthcare is delivered at multiple levels within a rural community.
Locations for the RHE are available across the state and dates are dependent upon the schedules of the sites and students.
APPLICATIONS DUE: Sunday, March 8, 2020
RHE Brochure 2020
Camp Counselor/ Camp Counselor Leader- Rural Health Careers Camp
Camp counselors will assist in the overall day-to-day operations of the Rural Health Careers Camp: a four-day, overnight camp for high school students interested in healthcare. Camp counselors also serve as mentors to campers, providing insight on their experiences pursuing a health-related degree.
Camp Counselor Leaders will assume additional responsibilities prior to – and during- the program to assist the Program Director in facilitating the camp. Both camp counselors and camp counselor leaders must stay in the dorms during the camp and will be paid for their time and services to the program.
APPLICATIONS DUE: Sunday, March 1, 2020
Camp Brochure 2020
For interested students:
Students who have completed at least their sophomore year of undergraduate studies by the start of the program as well as graduate and professional-level students are encouraged to apply. Preference goes to students with rural backgrounds and interests in rural healthcare. Questions can be forwarded to Vicky Rhine at [email protected].
For more information, check out ncrhp.uic.edu.