Project development is one of the key aspects of the ICAHN Rural Health Fellowship.  Acquiring the knowledge and expertise needed to successfully take an idea and grow it into a project that will benefit rural healthcare is an important skill that 2023-24 ICAHN Fellows have gained.  It is with pleasure we share the projects from the graduating class of this year's Rural Health Fellowship.

Sarah Beckman-Surveys and Experiences

Wyatt Brieser Hammond Henry Hospital Provider Re-Engagement Initiative

Tracey Busby- Manager Education Program

Robin Cannon - Overcoming Challenges in Healthcare Waste

Heather Charlet Leadership Orientation checklist 

Brandi Crawford Growth of the Skilled Swing Bed program

Brad Culpepper FOCUS Helping Hands_

Lindsey Culver  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Tabatha Donnelly  Customer Service ToolKit 

Katie Duncan- 340B Program Hillsboro Health

Mendie Johnson Digital Image Sharing

Callie Keys Diabetic Eye Exam Scores

Alicia Murzynski Improvement of Outpatient Laboratory Services

Vicki Potts VTE Documentation Capture

Allison Reider Improving Responses in Emergency Situation

Sandra Smith Director Turnover and Mentorship Program

Sara Wells Pediatric Wellness

Charlotte Cooper  Resolving Team Dysfunction & Improving Employee Retention