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September 21, 2022
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
Event Category:

Tech Law: What You and Your Hospital Need to Know

Two Part Series

Through this webinar series, you will help healthcare providers better understand legal and regulatory issues associated with the use of technology.

Topics include:

September 21: Electronic Discovery. This session will discuss the use of audit trails in litigation, including the trend for plaintiffs requesting on-site EMR inspection, the impact of audit trails on litigation, and strategies relating to producing EMRs in litigation.

October 18: Text messaging, messaging apps, and the electronic medical record. This session will address the use of text messaging between providers, the lack of interface between the text messaging services and the EMR, and what kinds of issues that poses for litigation and risk management

Featured speaker:

Katie H. Anderson, JD. Prior to joining Heyl Royster, Katie practiced at a firm in Decatur, IL where she became a partner in 2012. Her practice included medical malpractice defense of health care entities and health professionals, creditor bankruptcy work, and civil litigation defense. In 2016, Katie became
general counsel for a community hospital in Central Illinois where she managed litigation, risk,
compliance, regulatory, insurance, and medical staff matters.

Cost for the 2-part series:

$200.00 per facility of $35.00 per individual.
VIP Subscribers: Use as part of your package.

Contact hours:

.75 Nurse Contact Hour per session
The webinars will be recorded.