Observation Opportunities: Are Lost Payments Draining Your Bottom Line?
The 2-Midnight Rule, billable hours, drug administration, outpatient surgeries, extended recovery...are you accurately capturing the revenue owed your hospital or are you seeing money go down the proverbial drain?
Find these and other answers during ICAHN's next CFO/Business Office meeting planned for Friday, February 11 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in webinar format. Day Egusquiza, Founder and President, AR Systems, Inc., will be the featured speaker. A roundtable session will follow the presentation from 11:30 a.m. to noon.
Ms. Egusquiza brings over 40 years' experience in healthcare reimbursement, including 20 years in an Idaho hospital leading hospital revenue cycle operations, contracting, new program development, auditing and compliance implementation. Additionally, her experience includes eight years as a director of a physician medical management billing service which included completing an integrated business office between a hospital and a large multi-specialty physician clinic. She has been an entrepreneur in hospital and physician practice accounts receivable management and a leader in redesigning numerous organizations. Her work includes providing guidance as a compliance and reimbursement educator while providing operational insight on the revenue cycle impacts of disruption, lost charges, coding validation and yes, why I love traditional Medicare's 2 MN rule. Day's strength is her ability to 'operationalize' complex regulations into teachable components.
AAPC 1.5 CEU pending.
For more information, contact Jackie King, MSHI, CCS, CPC, COC, CRHP, ICAHN Director of Compliance & Informatics/HIM Consultant, at [email protected] or call 815.875.2999.