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March 18, 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

ICAHN Trailblazer Initiative Meeting

The next ICAHN Trailblazer Initiative meeting will be held on Thursday, April 1 via Zoom meeting format from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This meeting affords an opportunity to learn about new service lines and revenue sources. The agenda includes:

  • 10:00 a.m. Welcome by Pam Pfister and Randy Dauby
  • 10:05 a.m.  "Transforming the Nephrology Community: The Opportunity for Acute Dialysis in Rural Hospitals," presented by Ron Kubit, CEO, TeleNeph, LLC, and Dr. Mandeep Sahani, Desert Kidney Associates
  • 10:30 a.m.  "Building a Rural Integrated Network: Hospitals Sharing Resources," presented by Rob Schmitt, CEO, Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services; Don Williams, CEO, Iroquois Memorial Hospital; and Paul Skowron, CEO, Warner Hospital & Health Services
  • 11:00 a.m. "Utilizing Remote Patient Monitoring to Optimize Care," presented by Dr. Teresa Sieck, CEO, WebCare Health
  • 11:20 a.m. "Building a Robust Telemedicine Solution," presented by Dr. Chris Gallagher, MD, CEO, Access Physicians
  • 11:40 a.m. "Addressing Rural's Top Outmigrating Service Line and Gaining More Referrals to your Outpatient IV Infusion Program," presented by Mitchell Berenson, MPH, CEO, Community Infusion Services
  • Noon  "Care Coordination: Sharing Experiences from the Field," presented by Jackie King, ICAHN Director of Compliance and Clinical Informatics; and Pat Schou, ICAHN Executive Director
  • 12:20 p.m. General discussion and adjournment

Trailblazer members are invited to participate:

Join Zoom Meeting:
https://icahn-org.zoom.us/j/98021462553?pwd=TGRTUFlBYUFOeTBzVTFhbkVoTmFBdz09Meeting ID: 980 2146 2553
Passcode: ICAHN2021
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