ICAHN Regulatory and Legislative Committee Meeting
The ICAHN Regulatory and Legislative Committee will meet Tuesday, June 8 from 8 to 9 a.m. via Zoom.
The agenda includes:
- Welcome - Dolan Dalpoas, 2021-Chair, and Gregg Olson, Co-Chair
- Approval of May 11, 2021 meeting minutes
- Federal Legislative Activity - CAH program
NRHA Update/Capitol Hill Activities - Pat Schou
- RHC (2 funding opportunities): SHIP COVID Funds $230,000
- Rural Bills (MOMA/Save Rural Hospitals/RHC Modernization)
CAH/Rural Program CMS Rules/Regulations
- ADT CoP Adoption May 2021/Interoperability/Blocking)
- 340 B Issues/CoPs vaccine reporting/quality measures/price transparency
- UHC Lab Certification - next steps as rural community - State Issues
- Springfield Update
- Telehealth Legislation - Nicole Magalis, IHA
- State Loan Program- Julie Casper
- Medicaid MCO Issues/Hospital Licensing Issues - Pat Schou/Jill Hayden - Issues Committee - Shane Watson, Chair, and Trina Casner, co-chair
- ICAHN Spring Meeting - Telling Your Rural Story follow-up
- IRCCO/Sign-up - Pat Schou
- Next Issues Committee - June 20, 2021 - Old Business
- Local vaccination clinics
- ICAHN Expo - August 27 at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield - New Business/Announcement/Other Discussion
- Adjournment/Next meeting: July 13, 2021
Meeting URL: https://icahn-org.zoom.us/j/99199883147?pwd=NUV1eDdUQXJmeWpONHpDRjBSQWM5dz09
Meeting ID: 991 9988 3147
Passcode: 091121.
To join by Telephone: 833 548 0282 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free) or 888 788 0099 (Toll Free) or 833 548 0276 (Toll Free) with Meeting ID: 991 9988 3147.