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January 13, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Category:

Addressing Rural Health Workforce Challenges Through Innovative Strategies from Recruitment to Retention

ICAHN will host an informational webinar led by the National Center for Rural Health Professions and the Illinois Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Network Program to learn about various ways to enhance your hospital's recruitment and retention efforts. As part of this effort, additional webinars and workshops will be scheduled that will focus on planning, projections, cost effectiveness, and resource identification for implementation of recruitment and retention programs.

Webinar Topics:

  • Describe community and academic partnerships in recruitment and retention initiatives in rural Illinois.
  • Discuss characteristics of individuals most likely to practice in rural communities.
  • Discuss available programs to support recruitment and retention of employees.


Mark Muerer, assistant director of Recruitment, Public Relations and Marketing for RMED and the National Center for Rural Health Professions.


No charge for ICAHN VIP subscribers. $25.00 per facility for non-subscribers.