2021 ICAHN Spring Member Meeting
The 2021 Spring Member Meeting will be held via Zoom format on Friday, May 21 from 9 a.m. to noon. There is no registration fee, but participants are asked to register in advance. Outreach through member meetings is a high priority for the ICAHN Board so that members stay informed about key hospital issues/concerns as well as new ICAHN programs and general operations. There will be a short business meeting to update members on the transfer and sale of ownership of ICAHN’s ACO, Illinois Rural Community Care Organization (IRCCO), from ICAHN to hospital members of IRCCO, building tax exemption status, and audit report.
Board President Alisa Coleman will provide a board update, and participants will hear from the Regulatory and Legislative and Issues Chairs. The Spring Member Meeting will also provide an opportunity to learn more about the updated Star Ratings and their impact on member hospitals, along with the challenges facing provider-based rural health clinics. ICAHN will then showcase several member hospital videos telling the rural story, and Pat Schou, ICAHN Executive Director, will conclude the day's events with the "Top 10 Challenges Hospitals Faced Within the First 100 days of 2021." There will be a few prize drawings and the opportunity to connect virtually.
The full agenda includes:
- 9 a.m. Welcome - Alisa Coleman, Board President; Ferrell Hospital CEO
Member Business Meeting, including:
- Board Update - Alisa Coleman, Board President; Ferrell Hospital CEO
- Tax Exempt Issue/Building
- Audit Report - Ted Rogalski, Secretary/Treasurer; Genesis Medical Center Administrator
- ICAHN Building Capital Campaign Wrap-up
Committee Reports
- Regulatory and Legislative - Dolan Dalpoas, Chair; Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital CEO
- Issues - Shane Watson, Chair; Red Bud Regional Hospital CEO
Member Business
- IRCCO Transfer of Assets from ICAHN to ACO Members
- Other Issues/Concerns - Member Feedback
ICAHN Activity Highlights - Pat Schou, ICAHN Executive DirectorEducational Sessions: Topics that Impact Today and Tomorrow - New Star Ratings: How Will They Impact Your Hospital? - Karla Weng, MPH, CPHA, Senior Program Manager, Stratis Health
- 10:30 a.m. What is the Future of Provider-Based Rural Health Clinics - Jonathan Pantenburg, Principal, Stroudwater Associates
- 11:00 a.m. Telling the Rural Health Story: Sharing Your Story Through Video - ICAHN Hospital Panel with Facilitators: Shane Watson, Issues Chair, and Red Bud Regional Hospital CEO; and Pat Schou, ICAHN Executive Director
- 11:30 a.m. Top 10 Rural Health Headlines for the First 100 Days - Pat Schou, ICAHN Executive Director
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
3.0 ACHE Credit will be awarded for participation in the full meeting. Criteria for successful completion includes attendance at the entire session and submission of a completed evaluation form. ICAHN is authorized to award hours of pre-approved ACHE Qualified Education credit for this program toward advancement or recertification in the American College of Healthcare Executives. Participants in this program wishing to have the continuing education hours applied toward ACHE Qualified Education credit should indicate their attendance when submitting application to the American College of Healthcare Executives for advancement or recertification. For more information, contact Kathy Fauble [email protected] or Liz Swanson [email protected].